Company Account
You can update your Company Information at any time to better reflect your needs and access the most relevant features.
Freelancer Account
You can update your Freelancer Information at any time to better reflect your needs and access the most relevant features.
You have no Account
You can update your information at any time to better reflect your needs and access the most relevant features. As you don't have an account yet, please go back and proceed with the onboarding process. Choose between creating a Company or Freelancer profile to complete your registration.
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Company & Offerings
Explore and manage your company's profile and service offerings. Tailor your company information and showcase your services to attract the right clients and collaborators.
Archived Company Offerings
Manage your company's list of past offerings by archiving those that are no longer available or relevant.
Freelancer & Portfolio
Showcase your freelance projects and portfolio, highlighting the range of work you've completed. Provide insights into your key roles, project outcomes, and the skills you've applied. This section allows potential clients to get a clear view of your expertise and versatility as a freelancer.
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Archived Freelancer Portfolio
Access and manage your archived freelance projects. These past works represent completed or paused assignments that you can revisit or restore to highlight your freelance experience. Keep track of your past portfolio and bring them forward when relevant to new opportunities.
Change your password to keep your account secure. Ensure you use a strong, unique password for added protection.